Integrated reporting | 31/12/2022
Annual report | 31/12/2022
Annual report | 31/12/2022
Annual report | 31/12/2022
Monthly Reports | 31/12/2022
Monthly Reports | 23/12/2022
News | 29/11/2022
On December 14th, 2022, will take place the auction of electricity acquired by the Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR).
News | 22/11/2022
OMIP and OMIClear will meet with market members on 30th November in Madrid within the framework of the “Trading and Product Committee” (TPC) and “Clearing and Settlement Committee” (CSC). Subsequently, an open session will be held on "Hedging Renewables and PPAs: perspectives on the risk of cannibalization".
News | 21/11/2022
We will be at the Iberian Energy Day 2022 in Madrid on November 24th to discuss the latest events in the Iberian energy market.
Monthly Reports | 15/11/2022