Market Data
Market Bulletins
OMIPdaily (Iberian)

Last Trading Session

OMIPdaily (Non-Iberian)

Last Trading Session

OMIPdaily (Gas)

Last Trading Session

Market Window
Power Derivatives

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Iberian Spot

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Transparency data

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Trading Info
Calendar 2024 and Trading Session Timetable
Calendar 2025 and Trading Session Timetable
Phases and Times of the Trading Session
Instrument List 2024
OMIP Price List
OMIP Annual Reports 2010-2021
OMIP Annual Report 2022
OMIP Annual Report 2023
OMI Group Integrated Report 2021
OMI Group Integrated Report 2022
OMI Group Integrated Report 2023
Technical Specifications
General Contractual Clauses
Electricity Indices - Rules
OMIP Rules
Rulebook (Power & Gas)
Instructions (Power & Gas)
Notices (Power & Gas)
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Market Date Rules
General Terms and Conditions
Market Data Policy
MIBEL Regulation
MIBEL International Agreement (01.Oct.2004)
MIBEL International Agreement - Amendments
Registration Models
OMIP Models
General Models
Technical Documentation
IS Guide

The technological access guide to OMIP Informatoin Systems