Results 11th Auction GO-PT
On the 13th of July, the 11th Auction for Portuguese Guarantees of Origin (GO-PT) took place, with certificates attesting to the electricity consumer that the source of energy production is renewable.
In recent months there has been a sustained trend of increased demand for guarantees of origin, and consequently the appreciation of this product in European markets. In the last Portuguese auction, 3,5 TWh were offered, distributed in 8 lots according to the criteria of technology (solar, wind, hydro and thermal) and production period (March 2022 and April 2022); in which 21 European entities participated, reaching a new maximum value of €2.30/MWh for solar energy.
For the first time, the net result of the auction exceeded 7 M€, a value that will be deducted from the extra cost with renewables borne by Portuguese consumers.
OMIP is the entity responsible for managing the participation and operation of auctions in Portugal. The next Auction GO-PT will be September 14th, 2022.
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