
News | 05/07/2018

Update of OMIP’s Rulebook (article 7) following the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27th 2016.

News | 19/06/2018

On the 19th of June, OMIP – the Iberian power derivatives exchange, has successfully held the quarterly Auction with unique features in the European power market: the 19th auction of Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) for the Portugal-Spain electrical interconnection.

Monthly Reports | 19/06/2018
Press release | 13/06/2018

Go-live of the European Cross-Border Intraday Market (XBID)

Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) | 01/06/2018
Press release | 24/05/2018

Confirmed go-live of the European Continuous Intraday Market in June 2018

Monthly Reports | 21/05/2018
Single Intraday coupling (SIDC) | 30/04/2018
Publication | 24/04/2018

Following the collaboration agreement between OMIClear and MIBGAS Derivatives whereby OMIClear is appointed to assume the role of Central Counterparty of the trades performed in this market and once received the regulatory approval, OMIClear in coordination with MIBGAS Derivatives launched on April 24th the clearing services for physically settled natural gas futures contracts.

Monthly Reports | 24/04/2018